måndag 12 oktober 2009

A long gone friend.

Kom att tänka på dig AnnaSarah när jag läste detta. 

"She doesn´t fit in the criteria of a normal friend. We hardly speak - the last time I saw her was two years ago. 

She´s the woman who last week, out of the blue, sent me a beautiful picture of a cherry tree in blossom. It dropped into my inbox at the lowest point of a depressing day, making me smile. 

She is the woman who ask me if I am happy and makes me really think about the answer.  

She is the polar opposite of me as a personality - supplying me with the unpredictability that I don´t have in my life. 

I love her because of the magical way´s she perceives and understands things - books, art, people.

And most important, I can accept her as she stands, as she does me".

Hoppas vi ses snart.

1 kommentar:

  1. Vad fin :) Jag hoppas oxå vi ses snart! var som sagt alldeles för länge sen, o när man har varit van att ibland ses varje dag skumt, men är man vänner i hjärtat så vet man var man har varann! :D
